The following are frequently asked questions by our visitors. If you have a question that is not answered here, please feel free to contact us.
How far are you from Toronto?
We are approximately 200Kms. North from the city.
Where are you located?
We are located 8Kms. south of Parry Sound
What do you fish for or what's it like?
You fish for: Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike, panfish, and in the winter Lake Trout. Fishing condition is moderate.
Do you sell fishing licenses?
No, but Divers Nook in nearby Parry Sound (10) minute by car does, and also carries bait as well.
Do you sell firewood?
Are pets allowed?
Only with permission and descretion of the management.
Is there a lifeguard on duty at the waterfront?
No, parents or guardians are responsible for the childrens safety.
Are you wheelchair accessible?
No, Not at the present.
Do you provide linens? such as(bedding towels etc.)
No you must bring your own
Do you accept VISA or MASTERCARD?
No, we accept e-transfer, personal cheques, cash, or money order.